General Statistics - Nixon
- Total Time Spent Online:
- 356 days, 17 hours and 41 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 23,748 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 219 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 6 votes
Posting Activity By Time
1151 posts (5%)
410 posts (2%)
91 posts (0%)
18 posts (0%)
10 posts (0%)
6 posts (0%)
9 posts (0%)
67 posts (0%)
473 posts (2%)
1302 posts (5%)
1487 posts (6%)
1495 posts (6%)
1392 posts (6%)
1683 posts (7%)
1840 posts (8%)
1916 posts (8%)
1392 posts (6%)
919 posts (4%)
1079 posts (5%)
1129 posts (5%)
1265 posts (5%)
1491 posts (6%)
1738 posts (7%)
1468 posts (6%)
Most Popular Boards By Posts
- Brann
13665 posts of the member's 23748 posts (57.54%)13665
- Kamper
4686 posts of the member's 23748 posts (19.73%)4686
- Tifo, sanger o.l....
677 posts of the member's 23748 posts (2.85%)677
284 posts of the member's 23748 posts (1.20%)284
- Bilder og filmer
32 posts of the member's 23748 posts (0.13%)32
Most Popular Boards By Activity
284 posts of the board's 5331 posts (5.33%)5.33%
- Brann
13665 posts of the board's 273875 posts (4.99%)4.99%
- Kamper
4686 posts of the board's 107400 posts (4.36%)4.36%
- Tifo, sanger o.l....
677 posts of the board's 21785 posts (3.11%)3.11%
- Bilder og filmer
32 posts of the board's 2788 posts (1.15%)1.15%