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Messages - Medved

Brann / UEFA cup - 1. runde
August 30, 2005, 06:04:21 AM
Quote from: "anyway"
Ha, you'll hope for referee like Sukhina? :3d: I think in Europe this kind of scenario will be fatal. :roll:  

We no need Sukhina to win. If you see match - you must knew what judge make mistake to both side.

Quote from: "anyway"At the moment I sincerely wish Brann to win the Loko.

AEK wil win!
Brann / UEFA cup - 1. runde
August 28, 2005, 10:58:34 AM
Quote from: "Snublefot"Вы Medved. Упование мы будем иметь хорошую игру и то SK BRANN выиграет. но most of all, препятствует для того чтобы иметь сторонниц и команд играа по правилам и! спасибо

Thanks! But I think lokomotiv will wins. Anyway lets it will be good game Will see you guy's in Moscow :-)
Brann / UEFA cup - 1. runde
August 28, 2005, 10:49:38 AM
Quote from: "krøvel vellevold"
If you really are Russian; how did you know that you should write "Moscow" on "bosted" in you profile?:)

1. PhpBB - standart forum. Location of buttons, links are same in differnt languages.
2. You can change language to English in your profile.
3. You can find me in fclm.ru forum - nickname "Медведь" - in russian that means bear.

Quote from: "krøvel vellevold"Do you understand more norwegian than we like?

Nope. Only Russian or English (badly). Little Yakut

Quote from: "krøvel vellevold"
Anyway; according to uefa.com the game is reversed from the original draw, which means that Lokomotiv suddenly have got the last leg at home. The original draw said that BRANN should have the so-called "home-advantage". Not even the officials of our club have heard about the reversal... No other media either. Only uefa.com! Have you heard anything about this?

I read this in our newspaper "Sport Express". Interview with Biorn Dahl Here link (in russuan of course :-) )
But i try to translate:
QuoteMy collocutor turned out to be the director of the club "BRANN" Biorn Dahl.

    - You right before communicated with(since) representative(official) "Locomotive". About(Of;On;To;For) than went(suited) the speech?

    - Very pleasing young people (the speech about(of;on;to;for) atheletic(sportive) director Hasane Bidzhieve and commercial director David SHaginyane. - Rot. G.K.) Think, we shall easy find the general(total;public) language(tongue;parlance) in(to;at) question of the carrying our матчей. After all all four your commands(crews), according to жеребьевке, must(shall) begin(start;commence) the building that hardly introduces possible. We are ready to conduct our first play(game) with(since) "Locomotive" in(to;at) Norway.

    - You complacent that that you were got in(to;at) adversaries exactly "Locomotive"?

    - If honestly, has preferred italian "Palermo". Or, can(may;be able) be, portuguese "Sporting". But "Locomotive" - very difficult barrier(hurdle). This command(crew) has beautifully proved;proven to be itself(myself;himself;herself) at the last years on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) international arena, emerging(appearing) in(to;at) League champion. This time she does not повезло, but potential beside(at;by) moscow club solid. We will it is difficult against such adversary, which(who) it is impossible not to acknowledge(recognize) the favorite pair(vapour)s.

    - Who you could select(allocate) in(to;at) composition(compound) "Locomotive"?

    - Certainly, brazilian Lima the known(famous) on(over;along;down;under) appearances(speeches) in(to;at) serieses A. As far back as russian command(crew) emerges(appears) the strong forward Sychev, beautiful half-back Losikov.

    - These two players(gamblers) are traumatized...

    - Yes? This(It) in(to;at) some(any) degree(extent;grade) can(may;be able) equalise our chances. However and our main(chief) problem for present-day day - a traumas. Regrettably, in(to;at) infirmary is found best bombardier, is traumatized key half-back. However, to(towards) match with(since) "Locomotive" both must(shall) be restored.

    - How are you beside(at;by) your commands(crews) in(to;at) championship?

    - While(Until;Before) us have not covered the traumas, all were well. But here is have then followed the tie ups and defeats. Hope, in the near future situation is corrected.

    - Plan you visit Russia to look(watch) "Locomotive" in(to;at) deal(affair;case)?

    - A Decision on(to;for) viewing will take(receive) the trainer. Do Not exclude that someone from(of;out of) representatives(officials) of our club will examine(peruse;look through;view) your command(crew) on the eve first duel.

    - Say honestly: you believe that can(may;be able) pass "Locomotive"?

    - Answer question on question: but why in general leave(quit;get out;come) on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) field(margin) unless believe in victory? Yes, for(on;of;to;with) us participation in(to;at) playoff of the Cup UEFA - already holiday, but appetite comes to meal(food). Nobody does not be going to to surrender(yield) on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) favour of the winner. We Shall fight.

    The Atheletic(Sportive) director "Locomotive" Hasan Bidzhiev so has commented the result an жеребьевки:

    - We were brought play(gamble;toy) with(since) "BRANN" in(to;at) tournament in(to;at) La-Mango so this command(crew) to us known(famous). Fresh information on(to;for) adversary beside(at;by) us too, of course, will. "BRANN" names(entitles) us favorite? I do not like the similar talks, do not love(like) to reason(discuss) to this subjects. We shall Exert every effort to fall into group tournament.

    Already through(across;via;over;in) half an hour of the representatives(officials) "Loko" and "BRANN" officially agreed that first match their club will pass in(to;at) Norway.

The reasons, like i hear - in one city 2 game at same time. UEFA don't like this.
Brann / UEFA cup - 1. runde
August 26, 2005, 14:56:26 PM
Quote from: "Brannfrelst"Du er sikkert ikke norsk nei når du presterer å svare på et norsk spørsmål :wink:

Ведь блин просто контакты наладитьхотел! А международным языком считается английский. За реверансы в сторону нашего стадиона спасибо!
Brann / UEFA cup - 1. runde
August 26, 2005, 13:52:27 PM
Quote from: "abe78"Tipper vi har en norsk ip-adresse her..

Sorry. English or Russian. :-)
Brann / UEFA cup - 1. runde
August 26, 2005, 13:35:51 PM
Greetings from Moscow!
Let this will be a honored play and beatyfull football